American Sign Language

American Sign Language (ASL) Interpretation Services Appropriate to Your Industry

Serve the needs of the deaf and hearing-impaired community effectively.

We only work with qualified American Sign Language (ASL) professionals who have helped our customers bridge oral communication gaps for years. Our ASL interpreters understand the unique needs of their clients across a wide range of industries. In particular, we have in-depth experience helping healthcare providers navigate the complex regulatory environment associated with providing services for the deaf and hard of hearing. Let us help you analyze your needs and pair you with certified ASL professionals experienced in improving access for the deaf and hearing-impaired community.

Depending on your needs and the specific situation, ASL interpretation can be provided on-site or via video remote interpretation (VRI). On-site interpretation, also known as in-person or face-to-face interpretation, can be advisable in situations where complex information must be exchanged or discussed in detail and is ideal for sensitive situations involving critical health decision-making. VRI is ideal for use both in emergencies and for providing patients with scheduled healthcare from the comfort of their own homes. The service can also help make your healthcare organization compliant with the U.S. Federal laws requiring covered entities to provide language assistance to patients in need.

Speak with an expert about your​ American Sign Language needs today!

Large print & Braille
When translation is more than meets the eye
Subtitling Services (ADA)
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Industries we serve

BIG’s group of companies are experts in providing secure translation services in regulated, highly technical, and non-regulated sectors. The bottom line for BIG is that no matter your industry, we speak your customer’s language. We empower our clients no matter their industry by removing language and other barriers, so you can get to business. Period. We help you reach your audience wherever they are, however they need, and in the language(s) needed.